Do you have a tough time hiring young workers? SHRM says 73% of employers feel the same way.
But it’s not their fault. 51% think high schools and universities have done “little or nothing to help address the skills shortage.”
Soft skills, that is.
Today’s college graduates are digital natives. Meaning they grew up with technology. They know how to manage a social media account, edit videos for YouTube and design complex infographics in Canva.
But communicating with their teammates? That’s another story.
Below, we highlight why communication is the skill you should be most on the look for in 2023.
1. Basic tech skills are now tablestakes
When’s the last time you hired someone without Microsoft Office or Google Suite skills?
Basic tech skills like word processing and emailing are gimme’s. It’s time recruiters adapt and seek next-level soft skills.
Obviously, for tech and developer roles, it’s critical they have the necessary hard skills to build your product. But an ability to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings – Boom! That puts them over the edge.
As a leader, you know the importance of articulating your vision for the future. To get buy-in and rally the troops around your cause. To recruit the best and brightest to your team.
So why not expect that same level of communication in your employees?
2. Communication is more important when employees work remotely
75% of Americans prefer working from home at least once a week. Remote work is here to stay.
- How they work
- When they work
- Where they work
- For whom they work
… is changing fast (we see you, Great Resignation). What’s more important than clear communication?
Slack, Teams and email chats and virtual meetings are wildly different than in-person conversations. If you can sense emotions across the world, you’ve got us beat. Plus, nothing you say (seemingly less every day) is private or secure.
Employees often misinterpret virtual communication. One mind-bending reply of “K” or a passive-aggressive 🙂, and an employee may think the world is ending.
Employees must understand the importance of interpersonal connection to a cohesive team. Without regular video and audio meetings (if you’re virtual) or company-wide town halls (if you’re in-person), it’s impossible to form a tight-knit culture.
It’s time to update your 2023 recruitment strategy to prioritize great communicators – remote or not. As work dynamics change, workers who can clearly relay their thoughts, ideas and feelings have a leg up on the rest.
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