I Don’t Care How Cool Your Company is Until I Know How Much You Give a C*#% About My Career

You know the old saying. “I don’t care how much you know until I know how much you care.” Cliche, sure. Nice sentiment, but you’ve heard it before. So what, Cliche’s become so because there is truth inside, covered by their familiarity.

For talent acquisition professionals, here’s where paying attention to this saying can help you boost the number of applicants to your jobs.

It’s NOT About YOU!

It’s about the candidate you’re trying to attract. 90% of the jobs I see posted spend 2 to 4 paragraphs telling the potential applicant all About the Company. #boring

If I’m seeing your job and I’m not sure I’m even going to switch jobs because, let’s face it, the recruitment process for most can be worse than a root canal, I’m not going to spend time reading about your company.

Why? Because you assumed I cared. But I don’t, because I see that you’re trying to sell me on your company before you even know me. And, let’s face it (finally face it), the best candidates for jobs are not desperate. They are in demand. And they know it.

It’s Like Dating 😍

I was on the phone with my daughter one night when she was complaining about the dates she’d been having. She was super frustrated.

Have you written down the traits of the type of guy you’re looking for? I asked. No? Well, you may want to have a talk with yourself about it then.

I went on to suggest: Write out what you really want, especially what you’ll not accept, but also who can help you grow and how you can grow together to reach your full potential. Do this, start here, and you will find the right one.

Recruiting. isn’t. any. different.

Did you start with a candidate profile? No? Well, get to a whiteboard and write out who the right one is for you. The type of person you need in the role and what she/he will do to be successful (i.e., how they will perform, what they will accomplish, what problems they’ll solve). What is their experience level? What personality traits will be complementary, what experience do they have now – a foundation upon which you can build (#potential)?

Don’t Do. Post whatever job description you have in the HR file. Again, #boring.

And don’t tell me you have to because it has to be compliant. Indeed and other job boards like them are advertising platforms.

Putting a job description online is advertising. And the best ads speak to YOU the consumer. They fire hot cognitions connecting your head to your heart which causes you to remember what you saw, heard, and felt.

So, Do more of this.

Want a sample to see how your job posting can get you 20 to 30% more applicants? Schedule a consultation

Sow, Grow, Harvest,


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I Don’t Care How Cool Your Company is Until I Know How Much You Give a C*#% About My Career