A lesson from Gen Z: 3 reasons to upgrade your recruitment communication

We’re in the midst of a revolution.

How do you communicate with your job candidates? Are you behind the eight ball?

Recruitment leaders used to bend over backwards to be professional and avoid any legal issues.

Field of Talent screens more than 500 job seekers a day. We’ve seen the line between personal and professional blur. And this straight-and-narrow communication style (if you can even call it communication) is outdated and unwanted.

Here are 3 reasons why:

Gen Z starting the communication revolution in recruitment

1. “Cringe” corporate lingo turns off Gen Zers & Millennials. Be human

“Business speak” is unnecessary and robotic.

Keep it simple. You’re trying to recruit the best and brightest talent – not win a spelling bee.

The more human you are, the more your top candidates will enjoy spending time with you. And we all know – Once someone falls in love (figuratively speaking of course) with your team and your mission, they’ll be the best gosh darn employee they can be.

Productivity up. Revenue up. Booyah!

If you want elite talent from our youngest generations, you have to meet them where they are.

In the same vain…

2. Text your candidates. Stand out

Texting hasn’t hit mainstream recruiting culture, so your competitors aren’t texting your candidates.

Fill the gap. Show up in a unique way. And actually get a response.

Check out these stats:

  • Text open rate: 96% | Email open rate: 20%
  • Text response rate: 45% | Email response rate: 6%
  • Text response time: 90 seconds | Email response time: 90 minutes
Calculating difference between SMS and email

It’s not rocket science. SMS wins.

But in text conversations, avoid corporate lingo. It’ll immediately turn off who you’re talking to and trying to court to your team.

Texting is casual, fast and most of all – personal. Don’t drag your APA rulebook into the virtual world.

P.S. Our favorite tool is PivotCX.

3. Your communication style reflects your company culture. Choose wisely

If you want a candidate to invest their time and energy in your mission, they have to first invest in you.

You can’t expect to be a magnet for top talent if you can’t inspire candidates. The way you communicate reflects your culture and the way you do business.

Imagine talking about your vision for the future without emotion… Spoiler alert: It’s powerless.

Connect with and motivate your candidates. Be authentic. Be yourself.

Matrix morpheus giving you a choice to communicate like humans or robots

So what kind of company are you:

  • Stuck in the past? Outrun and outperformed?
  • Or on the cutting edge? Modern, fast and driven?

Your choice.

If you’re looking for a recruitment consulting firm, Field of Talent is your team. We’ve helped companies like yours speed up their hiring process by 3x and get the candidates they want and need.

Contact us here.

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A lesson from Gen Z: 3 reasons to upgrade your recruitment communication