Recruitment process outsourcing: What is it & how does it work?

What’s the most important input in your company’s growth and success? Is it your technology? How about your brand?

Your talent acquisition strategy should be at the top of the list. To reach your goals and ensure your company is aligned in its mission and values, you need top talent.

But easier said than done, right? Small companies and startups don’t have recruitment resources or a recruitment function entirely. While large corporations have a difficult time finding employees that fit their unique culture.

For most, outsourcing recruitment is a viable, strategic, affordable option.

Recruitment process outsourcing: What is it & how does it work?

What is recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)?

Recruitment process outsourcing is simply the act of handing over your talent acquisition to a partner firm – from hiring process design to communication to screening. RPO providers typically work with organizations to understand their goals and hiring criteria, then improve time-to-hire and recruitment costs. Depending on your involvement, you may still choose to hire in the end of the process, but some organizations outsource hiring decisions as well.

RPO providers are designed to save organizations money and time in their recruitment strategy. For a variety of reasons, companies don’t have the resources in-house to tackle large hiring projects and therefore commit to outsourcing recruitment to an RPO: Including they don’t have a recruiting function, their talent acquisition team is time-constrained, they want hiring expertise that they don’t have in-house, they want a more targeted hiring strategy, they want and need to hire faster to achieve business objectives, or they want to deliver a superior candidate experience.

What are the costs of RPOs?

Depending on your location, consulting firm, number of positions needed, speed and priority of hiring process, the costs of an RPO provider range. 

While some RPOs offer pricing on a per-hire basis, others charge every month that they’re engaged with the partner organization. Additionally, a few providers offer the less popular cost-per-slate model that charges organizations per qualified and screened candidate and the cost-per-transaction model with a predetermined cost for a project. 

On the other hand, Field of Talent’s RPO tiered model offers transparent pricing for the option that best suits your talent acquisition needs. Multiplier breaks down these different pricing models and shows how a transparent model is king.

Thinking about an RPO provider for your talent acquisition strategy? Field of Talent has three tiers of recruitment process management, one of which will fit your needs. Get your free consult to discuss your hiring challenges with experts who can help.

What are the benefits of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)?

Talent acquisition is perhaps the most critical element of your company’s growth. Why should you outsource your recruitment to an RPO service provider? Compared to a typical in-house strategy, an RPO provider can enable a company to think more strategically and proactively about things at which they excel – leaving the hiring process to the pros.

How else can outsourcing your recruitment processes help your organization reach your goals faster?

Benefits of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)

Enhanced candidate experience

Because you outsourced your talent acquisition to an RPO, you reap the benefit of experienced recruiters. With their extensive knowledge and access to today’s best recruitment resources, they can provide a modern, tailored, scalable candidate experience to each of your candidates. Deloitte reports personalization is one of the leading factors in turning top candidates into all-star employees.

Recruitment regulatory compliance

Recruitment marketing and hiring can be delicate. Your federal, state and local regulators continually change laws to make hiring more equitable, fair and accessible – and sometimes, the opposite. Do you have time to keep up with all the new litigation? Most do not.

That’s why many organizations opt for recruitment outsourcing services. Your RPO provider knows the ins and outs of your local, state and national laws. No need to worry about any compliance issues. Despite RPO recruitment optimizing for speed, they pay close attention to the ever-shifting regulatory landscape so you don’t have to.

Access to best-in-class technology

Recruitment technology, like applicant tracking systems and talent resource management platforms, can be expensive and difficult to manage. When you partner with a RPO provider, rest assured they have the latest technology to improve your time-to-hire and enhance the candidate experience, which in turn, improves your employer brand, says Lever.

Global reach

Is your organization remote or hybrid but not taking advantage of the global workforce at your disposal? Another advantage that a RPO provider has over traditional recruitment models is global talent acquisition. Because they’ve operated thousands of hiring processes, they have access to some of the best talent in your community and around the world.

Simply because they didn’t get a job at another company doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be your dream employee. Get top talent by reaching candidates that you previously didn’t have access to. Even if you’re not remote or hybrid, you may be able to convince top talent to relocate to your office.

The benefits of partnering with a recruitment process outsourcing provider are endless. We didn’t even mention that RPOs help you:

  • Acquire talent faster
  • Lower talent acquisition costs
  • Improve candidate quality
  • Fit your business processes
  • Improve the candidate experience
  • Retain top talent

This is just the tip of the iceberg. To get a free consult with flexible, transparent RPO provider Field of Talent, click here.

What’s the difference between RPOs & typical talent recruitment?

A traditional talent acquisition strategy can use a tremendous amount of internal resources to fill open positions on your team. From hiring managers to a full recruitment function, your team’s time, salary and benefits are dedicated to attracting your next generation of top talent. For some organizations, this resource-intensive hiring process works.

For most, however, they’d be better served by an outsourcing solution that is built to handle speed and scale. Want to lower your recruitment marketing and talent acquisition process costs? RPO models offer flexibility, experience and reach to fill your open positions quickly and get your team operating at full potential.

What’s the difference between Field of Talent & traditional staffing agencies?

Field of Talent is different from other talent acquisition agencies. During the global pandemic and Great Resignation, Field of Talent carved out a sizable advantage compared to its competitors. Modern recruitment technology and hyper-personalized talent acquisition strategy has set them apart from the crowd.

Take CareFinders, a Field of Talent client, for example. When they partnered with Field of Talent, they needed to fill 500 positions quickly to meet rising demand. After a few weeks, here are the results:

  • Engaged and screened 13,300+ qualified candidates
  • Saved 3,624 recruiter hours
  • Returned $2 million in gross revenue
  • Made 561 qualified hires

Fast forward to early 2022, Field of Talent has helped CareFinders acquire 40,264 applicants at a very low cost-per-apply (CPA) of $2.40 and an average cost per hire of $179. 

CareFinders hires better and faster case study

So why is outsourcing recruitment important? Entrusting your talent acquisition strategy to an outside firm can be scary. But it can also help your company get unprecedented reach to the best candidates and fill your roster with top talent.

Field of Talent can support your organization in your talent acquisition process, no matter your needs. Get a free consult and learn how you can get the candidates your organization deserves.

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Recruitment process outsourcing: What is it & how does it work?